MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 5 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 5 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Uff, jest potwierdzenie na stronie. Poza Infinity Slayer będzie normalny klasyczny Slayer bez perkowych dziwactw :] broń Armor Abilities (dopalacze, hologram, overshield i promethean vision) i perki (2 główne bronie naraz, szybsze odnawianie się tarczy, większy zapas ammo, radar przy zoomowaniu broni, ulepszony radar) Edytowane 5 czerwca 2012 przez MaZZeo
typfon 145 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 First off let me say how grateful I am that I had the opportunity to play the game early and meet some the team as well as meeting wonderful people like DominoTheory, Voltron64, and LouisWu. 343 was extremely kind and I could see the passion running though their veins. As a Halo fan I couldn't be more pleased with the people in charge and the vision they have for the universe. I completely support 343 and their vision. Infinity Slayer: The first thing and really the only thing I did at E3 was line up at the Halo booth. 343 took us through the campaign Demo that you have seen and then briefed us about Spartan Ops and War Games. After the presentation we were treated to a game of Infinity Slayer. We played on Haven which is the Forerunner map that you have all seen. Right away I noticed was how beautiful the game looked and how incredible the audio was. The first load out I selected was the AR/Pistol. Both weapons have bloom and were very powerful. I didn't really notice how many shots the pistol took, but it seemed to take more shots than Reach. The AR sound is incredible and it packs a punch at close range. I also found that grenades had a very predictable bounce and were similar to Halo 3 in terms of damage although they sounded like they are going melt your face off. Then I chose the BR. Like most of the weapons I used, the BR had kickback. The kickback had a learning curve but it was completely predictable and after getting used to it I was taking down enemies in 4-5 shots. I soon choose the DMR. It works pretty much like you would expect. The bloom was unnoticeable and the kickback felt appropriate. The DMR is harder to use at mid range, but I can see players mastering it. I usually came up short against BR players at mid-close range. From a distance the DMR was clearly the winner. I also chose to play with the plasma repeater type weapon, though this time it was useful as opposed to Reach. Same can be said about that plasma pistol. When playing Infinity slayer you get to use the ordinance system. A meter fills up on your screen by earning points for kills, assists, etc. Then, depending on the map, game type, etc, you can call in a ordinance drop, which is visible to teammates and enemies. You have 3 choices on the d-pad, for this particular game the grenade pistol, plasma grenades, and a power up were available. Of course, I chose the grenade pistol. The weapon seems to be a replacement for the grenade launcher in Reach. You fire a relatively slow moving projectile which sticks to players and surfaces. At that point the pistol screen opens up and if you press the trigger again you can denote the projectile. I did notice that the projectile seemed to have a audio cue as well as visual cues telling players it was armed. Talking with one of the multiplayer designers he mentioned situations where you would call in ordinance drops, tag them with the grenade pistol, and the wait for an enemy to run into a death trap and blow him up. It seemed that the sandbox allowed for a lot of creativity. Armor Abilies: The armor abilities available were Hologram, Thruster, Hard Light Shield (HLS), and Promethean vision (PV). I first tried Promethean vision and found no use for it, but after a while I learned to use it against people crouching around walls and to track people as the ran away from battle. Promethean vision shows you players within a certain radius, but it doesn't really show where they are on the map. The geometry was hard to make out while using PV. This meant that running around with it on was a mistake. It also wasn't spammable. Hologram works like hologram in Reach. Not much new here. David Ellis mentioned that it was pretty useful against ai, but I didn't get a chance to test it out. Thruster, which is probably my favorite AA I tried, simply allowed for a more drastic strafe. Think of Quake's double jump, but toned down. You also can only use it once and then you have to wait for the cool down. Unlike evade, you player model is still completely exposed and is still fairly trackable, meaning that the player doesn't go flying across the screen and you aren't granted warrior status by turning into an invulnerable Spartan ball. Hard Light Shield seemed like a logical take on armor lock. Think of Greek Spartans (or Jackal Shield) using their shields to block. HLS seems to only block bullets and melee. Any explosives will completely destroy a player using HLS. Using HLS also slows you down greatly and makes turning extremely slow as well. This makes you vulnerable to attack from the side and back. One thing of concern was how fast you could deploy the HLS. After the E3 show floor I attended the MLG/Community event to get some more hands on time. Both Spartan Ops and Infinity multiplayer were playable. Spartan Ops: As most of you know Spartan Ops (SPOPS) is a episodic co-op experience. Episodes are released periodically with new missions and CGI stories. First you are presented with a story CGI scene. The build I played had 'motion comic', which was a place holder. I'm not going into detail about story, but the in terms of scope it seemed very ambitious. Playing Spartan Ops was a blast. As someone who got bored with Firefight after a month or two I can see myself returning to SPOPS to visit new locations and experience new stories. The mission I played was as ambitious as you would expect from campaign. I played with three other players and we had to work together to make our way through the level. We fought both Covenant and Promethean ai. Fighting against the Covenant felt great, but when I first starting taking on Promethean enemies I felt like I had to hug the closest person around me. Promethean's, Knights in particular, were some of the most thrilling ai opponents I have ever fought against. I consider myself a component Halo player and I was being slapped around and out smarted. Knights dodge, evade, advance, and are just completely unpredictable and super lethal. David, who was kind enough to walk me through the mission, pointed out that we weren't seeing the entirety of their battle prowess. Consider me wowed. I will sum this up by saying that Spec Ops isn't some Firefight mode in a contained map with tacked on story. It played like a campaign mission and in terms of story it seemed to be as ambitious as a campaign. Spartan Ops was definitely a highlight for me. I would like to point out that on my first play through of Spartan Ops I could of sworn I picked up a grenade type that wasn't a plasma or a frag. What I threw was orange, but I never encountered it again. I also had the chance to use the scatter shot, which I'll talk about a little later. More on Infinity Mutliplayer: I was able to try the map you know as Warhouse. Cinematic frame rate was nowhere to be found, not even around the mech. I still don't quite understand the layout of Warhouse, but it seemed to get me back to the combat pretty fast. The third map I tried was a larger snowy map. I can't say enough about the art in the game, it simply looked beautiful. Anyway, I was able to try the Warthog, Mongoose and Ghost. Vehicles felt closer to Halo 2/3, which in my opinion is a good thing. At the beginning of the map I noticed that weapons were displayed on the map for all players to see. I rushed for sniper to try it out. It is lethal and it is harder to use than it is in Reach, but I felt more comfortable with using it then I did in Halo 3. The sniper has kickback too, so you better be confident about that headshot, you might not get another chance! One thing I noticed was that the scope (when unscoped) covered up a pretty significant portion of the screen. It was somewhat weird. Upgrades: I can't quite remember all of them, but here is what stuck in my head. The ability to carry more ammo, faster shield recharge, unlimited sprint, in scope motion sensor. There were several more that I will report on again tomorrow. To be really honest, I didn't even notice the upgrades most of the time. They never felt like they interrupted the game or broke the game. I think as players dig deeper into Halo 4 these upgrades will open up more opportunities. The Feel of the Game: Controls felt great. I played default and ended up playing at 6 sensitivity as opposed to 4-5 sensitivity when playing Reach. Take that as you will. Everything is smooth, responsive, and works just as you would expect. Weapons take skill, but are very predictable and lethal. Auto aim felt significantly less when compared to Reach and 1v1s felt way more intense. Killing opponents took less time than Reach, which sped up the gameplay. Bleed-through seemed to be back, but I' not 100% sure. Most importantly, as DominoTheory pointed out, Halo 4 is a gun game. Grenade and melee deaths/kills were few and strafing is as important as ever. I noticed that jump height is a lot higher than in Reach, but maybe not as high as Halo 2/3. On screen text (Killing Spree, Headshot, etc) was barely noticeable, but I do feel like the new color scheme of the medals made them harder to see. Grenades: They aren't nukes! They also act like objects being thrown and not sling shotted. There is an arc to the toss and placement took more skill. I noticed that if grenades are close that the HUD notifies you. with an mini grenade icon and an arrow pointing to where it is in relation to the player. Bouncing grenades is as predictable as ever. I didn't really find my grenades getting caught up in geometry or doing unexpected things. Scatter Shot: Yes, it gets its own category.The Scatter Shot was favorite new addition to the Halo sandbox that I was able to try out. It definitely felt like a power weapon, and it seemed to be an ordinance only type of deal. You know the Flak Cannon in Unreal? Yeah, it gave me that vibe. Projectiles ricochet off walls. Need to kill a player around the corner? No problem. Make no mistake, the Scatter Shot felt like a shotgun. One shot up close and your opponent dissolves right before your eyes. It takes a few shots (2-4) if you aren't within melee range. The weapon also has a visible spread, so if you're off target at all only a few projectiles seem to hit. Oh, it does that sweet lego piece animation when you pick it up! The Sound: Phenomenal. I know you think you heard Halo 4 over that stream, but trust me you didn't. Sotaro Tojima made me jump out of the seat when a Promethean Knight teleport charged me. The plasma pistol made my ears bleed and the AR sounds more menacing than the CE AR. The game packs a punch in the sound department. I could spend hours talking about how intense and visceral everything sounded. Actually, I think I might do that at some point. I'd like to end my initial impressions with a thank you to Jessica, David, Alison, Frankie, and the rest of the team for taking care of us and showing your commitment to the community. Being able to see your passion for everything Halo means a lot to me and the entire Halo community. Pleas forgive spelling/grammar mistake, I'm still in shock from today and extremely exhausted. Hopefully my brief write up was of interest to you. I will try to provide more in depth details in the coming days. cz\y mi się wydaje czy ja widze teleporty w war games? 1
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Screeny miażdżą designem Halo 4 nie mogło chyba obrać lepszego kierunku
Oldboy 984 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Nie tylko my doceniliśmy starania Edytowane 7 czerwca 2012 przez Bushisan
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Kij z jakimiś śmiesznymi nagrodami. Wszyscy widzą jaki kozak się kroi.
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 6 czerwca 2012 więcej tu -
MatekDM 1 300 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Jaram się, co za grafa O_O Co za klimat O_O Jest moc, w pierwszej trójce najlepszych gier targów.
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012
mausenberg 76 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Ta mapka Haven wygląda prześlicznie. Kolory, światło, forma, układ, całokształt - to robią artyści. Pograłem sobie trochę teraz chwilę po dłuższej przerwie w reach i w trójkę, ale nie mam kompletnie ciśnienia tego kontynuować, wiedząc co będzie jesienią. 5 miesięcy jeszcze, jakaś masakra.
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Podsumowanie informacji z neogafa: Multiplayer: Incendiary weapons are Forerunner weapons, such as the Scattershot and Lightrifle we saw during the campaign reveal. Every time a Forerunner weapon is used, you will get that incendiary animation when killing someone. You can bounce off the Scattershot, kind of like the Grenade Launcher from Halo Reach. One of the new armor abilities is a shield, when equipped you go into third person and you will not be able to shoot. Shield is able to deflect Scattershots – can cause people to commit suicide when used effectively. There is a multiplayer mode called Infinite Slayer, with it there is a new point system in where you get points for kills, assist, double-kills, killing spree and more. There is a risk and reward aspect in the point system, for example if you go for assassinations you will get more points. The Battle Rifle is three-shot burst, there is an indicator when your shots are hitting. On the gun you will see hash marks around your cursor indicating that. Promethean vision does a pulsing wave when equipped, it hits any anybody who is in the area. There is a possibility to use the full usage percentage of armor ability to see pretty far across the map. When you get hit by Promethean vision you will get a audio cue that somebody is using it. Sniper Rifle has a lot more recoil to it, between shots it took a while to re-centre it. It was difficult to explain, but it felt powerful and a one-shot kill weapon. There is a circle bar on the left side, like the armor ability bar from Reach, on the screen. The more points you get the more it fills up and when it’s full you get to choose a ordnance drop. You get to choose three things from the ordnance drops via the D-pad. On the right D-pad is going to be power ups, for example speedboost (you move faster, reload faster), powerboost (lets you do more damage) and overshield. When somebody is using a power up you will know it via visual tricks such as when you have powerboost you will be red. If you have overshield, you will be green. On the right D-pad are weapons such as the Scattershot. They are balancing it out per map basis, on certain levels sniper is the best so that is the highest weapon you can get. The ordnance drops carry over when respawned, so if you die before you used it you will get to use when respawned. Ordnance drops are very nearby when used and anybody can take it from you. Ordnance drops indicators are active when you are nearby, not when you’re on the other side of the map. Walshy estimated that there are 1300 possible load-out combinations from the build he played. There will be more tactical options, support options, armor abilities, weapons and more when the game comes out. The fourth option for tactical option is “Shielding”, which makes your shield recharge faster. With the tactical option “Resupply” you can pick up grenades from your teammates or enemies. You can’t do this without the perk. The tactical option ”AA efficiency” lets your armor ability recharge faster. The support option “Ammo” gives you more ammo from the moment you spawn, but also the ordnance drops you call in have more ammo. The support option “Sensor” increases the distance of your radar and the sensitivity of it. The support option “Awareness” lets you see your radar while zoomed in. The support option “Mobility” lets you have infinite sprint. Normal sprint is for 7 seconds estimates Walshy. With the armor ability “Thruster pack” you get only one burst and you can go every direction you want. You can’t shoot when using it and screen goes blurry. The armor ability “Shield” has infinite damage, third person and you can’t shoot. You move fairly slow. Shield lasts about 8 seconds before it dissipates and needs to recharge to use again. Scattershot has a five bullet clip and you get six buckshots off of it. The rounds can bounce off of surfaces. Can shoot around corners. There is a Spartan Laser, much like that one from Halo 3, and takes a while to recharge. Spartan Ops: Spartan Ops takes places six months after the campaign. Spartan Ops has matchmaking, difficulty is from easy to legendary. On easy the mission they played took about 10 to 15 minutes. 343 is not recycling maps from campaign or multiplayer, they are new standalone maps. 343 is banking on the first season of Spartan Ops being a full campaign worth of martial.
Daddy 4 304 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 7 czerwca 2012 oglądając te filmiki z multi H4 widać że wylewa się sam miód, tak samo jak w GoW3, dosyć mam już tych CODów, BFów i setek klonów, terroryści vs amerykanie. 5
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 Ta mapka Haven wygląda prześlicznie. Kolory, światło, forma, układ, całokształt - to robią artyści. Pograłem sobie trochę teraz chwilę po dłuższej przerwie w reach i w trójkę, ale nie mam kompletnie ciśnienia tego kontynuować, wiedząc co będzie jesienią. 5 miesięcy jeszcze, jakaś masakra. Mam podobnie, odpaliłem Reacha i nie ptorafi mnie już przykuć na więcej niż parę meczy. Ten bloom w DMR jest mega irytujący, ale koorwica mnie strzela jak w głosowaniu w team slayerze wrzucane są mapy tylko zrobione w forgu. Większość czasu spędzasz na tych sterylnych, szarych płytach, rzygać się chce. A pokazane mapki z H4 to cud miód.
mausenberg 76 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 W reach w team swat gram jeszcze na luzie, tam przynajmniej nie drę się ciągle " to (pipi) niemożliwe!" ;] dobry gameplay:
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Multi i MLG, bardzo dużo materiału: Przesadzili z recharge speed promethean vision. Edytowane 8 czerwca 2012 przez DonSterydo
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 8 czerwca 2012 Grali zwykłego slayera. I rzeczywiście, do niczego się nie można przyczepić poza tym promethean vision. Sam w sobie on jest IMO słaby, jakość wizji jest taka sama lub nawet gorsza jak w celowniku IRNV w BF3, ale to odnawianie jest zbyt szybkie. Kolejne jego użycie powinno być dostepne dopiero jak się całość naładuje, a nie wtedy jak chociaż kawałek paska się odnowi. Inna sprawa - nie wiem czy to dobrze, że zoom się nie zamyka kiedy sami dostajemy.
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Multi pod względem mechaniki prezentuje się świetnie. Taki Slayer, tylko we free for all, mi pasi.
YETI 11 249 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Czemu prawie nikt nie gra DMR? Nie podoba mi się ten szybki bieg, tak jak w Reach pozwoli to często na ucieczkę przed zgonem. W classicu tez to będzie? Poza tym mapki na pierwszy rzut oka wypadają bardzo fajnie. Cóż można jeszcze napisać, świetny design oraz paleta barw, taka stonowana. PS. Magnum ładnie kosi, DMG tej broni będzie na takim samym poziomie jak w DMRu?
MaZZeo 14 519 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 (edytowane) Czemu prawie nikt nie gra DMR? Może dlatego że wszystkim się on przejadł w Reachu i testują zupełnie nową BRkę. Mnie się najbardziej podoba Covenant Rifle. Edytowane 9 czerwca 2012 przez MaZZeo
YETI 11 249 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Ładnie kosi. 8:52 jak to możliwe? Koleś przeżył strzał z bazooki.
Oldboy 984 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Inna sprawa - nie wiem czy to dobrze, że zoom się nie zamyka kiedy sami dostajemy. Przestarzałe i czasami irytowało zdecydowanie na tak.
Gość DonSterydo Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 9 czerwca 2012 Ciekawe dlaczego nic się nie mówi o tym, że Spartan OPS będzie działać na kodzie z nowej kopii gry tk jak online pass
barth 70 Opublikowano 10 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 10 czerwca 2012 O dziwo H4 wygląda jak prawdziwe Halo. Z tym, że już wiem, że szerokim łukiem będę omijać tryb Infinity (CoD) Slayer.
SzczuruLive 1 Opublikowano 10 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 10 czerwca 2012 Oby Customy były znów grywalne jak w H3.... Tylko TYLE chcę...
tomci23 55 Opublikowano 10 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 10 czerwca 2012 Ja liczę że Wasza scena przy premierze H4 odżyje i że w końcu coś się ruszy z jakimiś eventami itd
Raptor 226 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2012 Opublikowano 11 czerwca 2012 Sama z siebie "ot tak" to nie odzyje. Kazdy musi wyrazac zainteresowanie i aktywnosc.
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