rob1979 55 Opublikowano 7 marca 2014 Opublikowano 7 marca 2014 lofciam takie wojenki bo gdzie dwóch się bije na kosy tam korzysta koleś z Famasem Cytuj
tommi 345 Opublikowano 7 marca 2014 Opublikowano 7 marca 2014 (edytowane) Kaczor, pliiizzzzzz.... My tu po męsku na noże, a Ty to "lofciasz" jak jakas gimnazjalistka :D Moglbys tam chociaz jakas (pipi)e dorzucic zeby to jakos wygladalo Edytowane 7 marca 2014 przez tommi Cytuj
Styku 11 Opublikowano 9 marca 2014 Opublikowano 9 marca 2014 Mclucky- grając dzisiaj z wami w raportach bitewnych tez masz rangę 0 Cytuj
SG1-ZIELU 870 Opublikowano 9 marca 2014 Opublikowano 9 marca 2014 Bo to jest błąd u osób które mają rangę od 111, zostanie to naprawione we wtorek Cytuj
mclusky 776 Opublikowano 11 marca 2014 Opublikowano 11 marca 2014 (edytowane) Jest aktualizacja BLoga. Wyświetlają się wreszcie rangi 111+. Nie wiem co jeszcze zrobili, ale nie widać tego na pierwszy rzut oka. Dziękujemy DICE. Edytowane 11 marca 2014 przez mclusky Cytuj
SG1-ZIELU 870 Opublikowano 11 marca 2014 Opublikowano 11 marca 2014 - Naval Strike content is now available on Battlelog in most areas, so you can see upcoming weapons, assignments, etc. This also includes support for rank 111 to 120 FEATURES & IMPROVEMENTS: - Platoon founders (only the original founder) can now change the name of their Platoon - Platoon leaders and founders can now cancel invites that have been sent - We now show a cogwheel/gear icon instead of the report icon in Platoons, if you are a member - The details box for Platoon Battle Reports will now follow on page scroll - Recommended Servers will now never include servers that contain less than 10 players - Sounds for new Battle Reports and Mission notifications will now no longer be heard, when you're playing multiplayer (since it was redundant) FIXES: - Fixed an issue with the Live Scoreboard not loading for the new game servers that went live last week - Fixed an issue where Battlelog Soldier Portraits wouldn't be available after unlock for soldiers that had stats transferred from a current-gen to a next-gen console - Fixed an issue where Mission Dog Tags wouldn't unlock after the requirements had been met - Fixed an issue where tracking a Suggestion in the in-game Battlelog on PC, PS4 or Xbox One caused the progress bar to reset to zero - An assignment will now always show all criteria as completed, if the assignment itself has been completed - Fixed an issue where the details bar on the Awards page would sometimes have broken positioning - Fixed an issue where clicking on an emblem for a soldier that uses a Platoon emblem would take you to your own emblem page instead of the Platoon page - Clicking a BF4 Platoon notification in the BF3 or MOHW section will now correctly redirect you to the BF4 section - Various smaller fixes and tweaks for Platoons - Various other minor fixes Cytuj
Gość Zaqair Opublikowano 18 marca 2014 Opublikowano 18 marca 2014 We deployed a minor update for Battlelog today. A bigger update is planned for Tuesday the 25th. FIXES Fixed an issue with Platoon Emblems, where they couldn't be saved if they contained Premium or unlockable shapes Fixed an issue with Mission dog tags not showing progression and unlock status properly. Note that the fix we deployed in the previous release allows you to properly earn the dog tags by playing Missions now, but you may need to play the Mission one more time to properly unlock them. Fixed an issue where you couldn't sign out of Tablet Commander Cytuj
Styku 11 Opublikowano 18 marca 2014 Opublikowano 18 marca 2014 Chodzi o zadania typu mtar? Czyli jeszcze raz trzeba wykonać zadanie żeby w końcu przestało sie wyświetlać? Cytuj
Styku 11 Opublikowano 18 marca 2014 Opublikowano 18 marca 2014 No, wykonałem , dostałem w sumie 50 beret za naprawę, zadanie mi sie skasowali, i choć napisane mam ze zdobyłem 51 beretek , pasek stanu jest na 1 a ump jak nie odblokowane tak nie, przy zadaniu na ump 9 mam 48 beretek.....nawet ty speiprzyli sprawę....tracę cierpliwość ;/ Cytuj
SG1-ZIELU 870 Opublikowano 21 marca 2014 Opublikowano 21 marca 2014 MARCH 25TH UPDATE On Tuesday the 25th of March, alongside the release of Naval Strike for Premium members, you will see a brand new background image on Battlelog. Not only is it beautiful as an image; it's also a background video, and with the nice soothing waves, it has an incredible impact on the Battlelog experience. Naval Strike Background [] We’re also introducing a lot of new features for the mobile app. First, we are now introducing Privacy settings in the mobile app, so you can see and edit your settings, such as invisible mode/presence, whether you have friend requests turned on or off, and different sharing levels for e.g. your stats. Privacy Settings in the mobile app [] It will now also be possible to look at all your unlocked and locked soldier portraits in the app, and select a new soldier portrait to be displayed. Soldier Portraits in the mobile app [] We are also working a lot on adding emblems to the mobile Battlelog experience. While it won’t be in the next release, expect to see the emblem editor on mobile sometime in the future, but in the next release, we will add the possibility to look at your emblem gallery and easily set a new active emblem. Emblem gallery in the mobile app [] And last, but certainly not least: we are adding Battlepacks to mobile! In this first version, you will be able to see all the previously opened Battlepacks, view those you have yet to open, and of course be able to open them. We feel this is a great addition, so you can check out new Battlepacks on the run and open them wherever you are. Battlepacks in the mobile app So a ton of great stuff coming with the release on Tuesday, alongside a lot of various fixes and improvements (we’ll post a full changelog on the day of the release). But there is a chance that our release after that – on April 8th – will be even better! APRIL 8TH UPDATE While changes may still occur, we are looking at two major additions to Battlelog. 1) Platoons Platoons will receive its first significant update (internally we call it Platoons v1.1), where the primary goal is to make it easier for Platoon members to play together. There’s a couple of things we’re adding to Platoons, but the most significant will without doubt be the ability to see where your Platoon members are playing right now! On the Platoons home page, you will see a small notice bar when Platoon members are playing (e.g. “4 members are playing”), and clicking that will take you to the new Servers tab, where you will see all the servers your fellow Platoon members are playing on, of course grouped and sorted so the server with the most Platoon members on it is shown in the top. Platoon Servers tab [] 2) Loadout Presets It’s finally happening! The feature has been under a few revisions since we first talked about it in January, but we now hope to release it on April 8th. In this version, you will be able to save presets for your kits and vehicles in a very simple way; just click the dropdown, choose a few slot and give it a name. Once applied, your kit or vehicle will be take the name of your preset! And you do the same to apply a preset; just click to see the dropdown and select a used slot to apply that preset. Loadout Kit Presets [] If you want a better overview of all the presets you have created, and perhaps clean them up a bit after a while, you just go to the Presets Management page, where you can browse through them all, delete them, or apply a bunch of them before you save your Loadout. Loadout Preset Management [] Do note that Loadout Presets will only be available on Battlelog in Battlefield 4, and not be reflected in-game. You basically apply presets to your one Loadout, which then follows you in-game when you save it. It is also our goal to allow you to view and apply presets in the mobile app, but you will need to use Battlelog in the browser to create new presets. Well, that was a sneak peek at some of the things we have in store. We hope it’s something you’ll look forward to, and we can’t wait to hear what you think once we have released it. As always, remember that things are still subject to change. Cytuj
McDrive 3 165 Opublikowano 22 marca 2014 Opublikowano 22 marca 2014 No, wykonałem , dostałem w sumie 50 beret za naprawę, zadanie mi sie skasowali, i choć napisane mam ze zdobyłem 51 beretek , pasek stanu jest na 1 a ump jak nie odblokowane tak nie, przy zadaniu na ump 9 mam 48 beretek.....nawet ty speiprzyli sprawę....tracę cierpliwość ;/ Dla UMP9 najpierw musiałeś ukończyć zadanie "technik ekspert", w którym trzeba dokonać 17 napraw co daje jakieś 3 baretki do zdobycia. Ich nie zalicza do zadania "technik ekspert" w którym to musisz zdobyć 50 baretek za spawanie. Cytuj
Styku 11 Opublikowano 22 marca 2014 Opublikowano 22 marca 2014 Tak, przyznaje sie do błędu, masz absolutna racje. Wczoraj odblokowalem pukawke wiec odszczekuje moje żale. Cytuj
tommi 345 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2014 dziala wam w rankingach ustawienie "znajomi"? U mnie od wczoraj cos sie schrzanilo... Cytuj
mclusky 776 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 6 kwietnia 2014 Od czasu do czasu u mnie nie działa. Cytuj
SG1-ZIELU 870 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Prepared 4 Battle – Every Time Loadout Presets are a way to save kit or vehicle setups so that you can easily switch between them when going into a Battlefield 4 multiplayer match. With this time-saving feature, you no longer have to edit each slot individually in the Customize screen when you want to change your Loadout. Note that Loadout Presets will only be available on Battlelog in Battlefield 4, and not be reflected in-game. You apply Presets to your Loadout, which then follows you in-game when you save it. For example, those who want quick access to a “field engineer” Preset can create one of these with the MX4, SRAW, Repair Tool, and Mechanic specialization – or any other combination of the player’s choice. If you are more of a combat engineer, you might want to create a preset with the M1014 shotgun, RPG, M2 SLAM, and Offensive specialization – it’s all up to you. You can have two presets per kit and vehicle, or four if you’re a Battlefield 4 Premium member. This allows you to quickly switch between setups based off the map or game mode you’re loading into without wasting time going through the Customize screens in-game.Creating and Managing Loadout Presets Your Loadout Presets can be accessed through Battlelog as well as its mobile and tablet applications. Simply head to the Loadout section on Battlelog, and hit the Presets button that appears upon hovering over a kit or vehicle. Here you’ll be able to choose to save your existing kit/vehicle Loadout as a new Preset, or load an existing Preset. Additionally, Presets are accessible from a kit or vehicle page, next to the “Save” and “Reset” buttons You can have 2 Presets per kit and vehicle (or 4 if you’re a Premium user). The Preset you last chose will stay until you apply a new Preset or change your Loadout from Battlelog or in-game and will display the Preset name in the place of the kit or vehicle name. This allows you to quickly switch between setups based off the map or game mode you’re loading into, without wasting time going through the Customize screens in-game. Creating and Managing Loadout Presets Your Loadout Presets can be accessed through Battlelog and its mobile and tablet applications. Simply head to the Loadout menu on Battlelog, and hit the Presets button. Here you’ll be able to choose slots for your presets, and give them names. To apply a preset, simply click a dropdown menu and select a used slot to apply that preset. You can have 2 presets per kit and vehicle (or 4 if you’re a Premium user). The preset you last chose will stay until you apply a new preset, or change your loadout from Battlelog or in-game. Loadouts are available on Battlelog as well as on the mobile and tablet applications. If you head to the Presets Management page, accessible by clicking “Manage” from the Presets dropdown, you’ll get an overview of all the Presets you have created. Here, you can browse through your Presets, delete them, or apply a bunch of them before you save your Loadout. Cytuj
tommi 345 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 (edytowane) Spoko. Nawiasem mówiąc CoD miał to już w pierwszym BO w 2011 r. Edytowane 7 kwietnia 2014 przez tommi Cytuj
Gość Zaqair Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Spoko. Nawiasem mówiąc CoD miał to już w pierwszym BO w 2011 r. CoD 4 w 2007 Cytuj
tommi 345 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 7 kwietnia 2014 (edytowane) O, jeszcze lepiej tego nie wiedziałem, bo nie grałem w to w multi, tylko singla przeszedłem. Edytowane 7 kwietnia 2014 przez tommi Cytuj
Drantzell 45 Opublikowano 8 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 8 kwietnia 2014 Czy bylo czy nie bylo w innych grach. W BF sie przyda, i fajnie ze to wprowadzaja. Cytuj
Łebi 311 Opublikowano 13 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 13 kwietnia 2014 Jasne, że lepiej późno niż wcale. Szkoda tylko, że cieszymy się jak, nie przymierzając, ortodoksi i-phona: "JEEEEE, mamy nowy ficzer! Mamy to samo co androidowcy! Kilka lat po nich ale mamy!" Cytuj
SG1-ZIELU 870 Opublikowano 18 kwietnia 2014 Opublikowano 18 kwietnia 2014 revamped game battlelog coming DICE’s development team behind Battlefield 4‘s social, stat-tracking service says new improvements are coming to the in-game iteration of the Battlelog on all platforms. The update, already rolling out on the PC, will offer a “completely revamped” version of the service, says Battlelog developer “TheBikingViking” on Reddit. “We have actually been working on a completely revamped version of the in-game Battlelog to e.g. improve performance and also squash some bugs, which we have started to rollout now for PC, and later we’ll do it for PS4 and Xbox One as well,” he wrote. In addition, when asked if the recently implemented Platoons feature would get functionality in the mobile version of Battlelog, TheBikingViking responded, ”Yes, I think one of our top priorities for Platoons right now is to bring it to mobile/tablet in one way or another.” Currently, Platoons are only accessible on the browser version of the Battlelog. “Maybe a very simple version to begin with and then add more later,” he added. “Right now, there’s especially three things we want to bring to the tablet and mobile app: – Platoons – Emblem Editor – Chat. We’ll see which happens first.” Stay tuned to MP1st for more on upcoming Battlelog updates. Cytuj
SG1-ZIELU 870 Opublikowano 26 maja 2014 Opublikowano 26 maja 2014 Jutro aktualizacja battleloga, przygotowania pod nowy dodatek Cytuj
Styku 11 Opublikowano 26 maja 2014 Opublikowano 26 maja 2014 Czyli lecę po valium, ewentualnie jadę na urlop... Cytuj
SpacierShark123 1 527 Opublikowano 22 czerwca 2014 Opublikowano 22 czerwca 2014 Da radę mieć 2 konta psn podpięte do jednego battleloga? Mimo że zmieniłem email na moim koncie PSN (na adres nowego konta)to dalej mam je dodane do mojego starego konta battlelog na którym nie mam wersji PC.Natomiast na koncie battlelog na którym mam konto PC i na które chciałbym dodać te moje nowe konto PSN SpacierShark_PL mam dodane moje stare konto US. Trochę namieszałem ale mam nadzieje że ktoś zrozumie o co mi chodzi. Cytuj
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